Hi everyone! This is my brand new blog, it is not the first blog that i own though. Hehh.
I have a bad habit, which is get bored of old stuffs easily. When I am bored of my old stuff, I will just put it aside and seek for new items, except for relationships of course. LOL
What motivates me to create a new BLOG? the answer is Lobbu, one of my old friend. She is a future Journalist, woots woots. I wrote her blog recently because I just found out that she updates her blog quite frequently, I have came out with a conclusion that: Blogs are not meant to be shown for public, blog is place where we put the thoughts into words. And sooner or later, it will became memories.
Many things happen in the past few weeks.
My beloved grandpa passed away! T.T I miss him a lot!!!! But what can we do? this is LIFE.

I eventually put on weight. F-ing 2kgs!!!! URGH!!! I am actually on a massive Diet, No-carbo diet. :) I can do it. I am going to attend Yoga class next month. I heard that yoga can help a lot in loosing weight. 2 days ago, I watched the preview of Victoria Secret Fashion Show, they interviewed the model and most of them did Pilates and Yoga. WOW!! And their bodies are perfect!! Seriously, perfection! I know it is almost impossible to train to have their bodies, but at least I need to get back in shape!!
Finals is around the CORNER. I am damn stress out. I feel like dying. I got tips for most of the subjects, which is a good news, but unfortunately, my MARKETING lecturer is not willing to give us any tips. DAMN!!!!!!

God is fair. Although there are many bad and negative things happened around me, but there are also happy and awesome things happened to me. :)
There are SALES in Cotton ON!!! Wooohhoooo. Every girls love to shop. This is a fact! TEehee
Girls, listen up! We are going to get a voucher of RM100 with the purchase exceed RM150. So freakin worth it right. I am going to shop till I drop later. :3 yippeee.
Secondly, my baby boy just made my life wonderful! He can me laugh for the entire day. He is definitely the right guy for me.
Thirdly, my bestfriend, Shinyee is coming back from Adelaide! This is the best thing ever! I miss her like nobody's business. I am gonna give her a big big Hug when she arrives the airport.
Oh ya, forgot to thanks a few of my friends that be here with me when my grandpa passed away..
Thanks yunyun, for coming to the funeral and bought Chatime for me
Thanks Tcmaine, Zoe for calling me up when I seriously need somebody to talk to
Thanks Shinyee to always be there for me in Skype when I need to chat with somebody
& last but not least, My honeypie for accompany me All the time during the hardtimes.
I want to end my first post with a picture of me and my grandpa You will always be missed.