1. Allocate weekly "me" time. I must have my own time once a week to get of my hectic life. Doing stuff I like. I should buy a good and beneficial book instead of wasting my time doing nonsense. I wish to improve myself and upgrade myself into a better person. Besides, I can also attend yoga class or something, so that I can shape up myself a lil, to be a more confident human being.
2. Be more Independent. I am a girl that always depends on others. I need to be more independent because I am going overseas to study this year. :S I am scared yet excited. No matter Aussie or The States, I will also appreciate every single moment of it. The reason is because everything that I own today, is every sweat and hardwork of my parents. And I swear, I will repay them when I start to earn my own money. I will give them great life because they always give me the best they can. I love you daddy mummy <3
3. Learn to cook!! This looks easy to achieve, but seriously, it took me forever to start to learn how to cook. Damn!! I seriously need to start before its too late. I need to know how to cook in order to survive in Aussie or US. Its a shame that I do not know how to cook while my mum is a great cook. She can cook everything under the sun! Western, middle-east, Chinese cuisine, Italian, Indian, Malay... ...
4. Spend more time with my family. Family is really important for me. Even one whole day out with my friends, make me homesick. WTH right? Sharmaine oh sharmaine, how can u survive in US/ Aussie all by yourself for 1 freakin whole year! Sigh** So I am so gonna spend most of my time with my family. <3 Especially my grandma from Sungai Petani. I just realized, I never seen her for a fews already. :(
5. Stay Faithful. I am a very lucky girl I can say. I am proud to say that my heart was never been broken before. I am not trying to show off or anything. Just... I feel lucky... :') Thank you god, for taking care of me. I was never a faithful person, i couldn't stay with a guy for more than 3 months. but i realized that, fooling around and being unfaithful will eventually get myself into trouble. Karma will strike one day. So, I need to change myself before karma strikes me right? :) I've been a really good girlfriend the past half year. And I am proud of myself. Teeehee.
6. Learn how to apologize. I have to admit that I do not like to say the word "SORRY" since i was young. It has became a habit of not saying "sorry". My Boyfiee even complain about it. He has be the one that always say sorry to me, even it was my mistake. I know u just dont want to create an argument, so u said sorry. whereby, I am here to sorry for being unreasonable all the time, and sorry for being so 'princess-ieee'. I promise I will try to change okay ;)
7. Stop Worrying so much! I am a person that worry-non-stop, maybe its the genetic thingy that passed down from my grandma to my mum, then now me! Oh my!!
The main factor that starts an argument between me and boyfriend is: THINKING TOO MUCH!! so i seriously have to stop thinking so much like an old lady, and start to take things easily and steadily like Obama. LOL. I dunno why, but I think of him when comes to steady ==
8. Lose some weight by finding a physical activity that I like and stick with it. I hate to force myself to lose weight, because when I need to lose weight means I've gained weight. WTfffff. But this time I need to lose weight for the sake of making myself look better, and fit in all the nice clothes without looking flabby. I wanna have the WOW factor when I wear in any clothes, rather than just pretty. Hence, I need to attend physical classes that I like, such as some hiphop or yoga classes. And guesss what?.. Mr Chan just suggested to go for skating everyday. Maybe its a great idea, but I just hate the smell of the skating shoes, they have been wore by hundreds of people. Unknown people with dunno what kinda disease they have on their feet! Ugh!
9. Save $$$. Instead getting money from my parents, I think I should start the year by saving up to get the things that I really dream to have since forever. Like, branded bags, designer shoes, a good phone, or even a flight ticket to Paris. I am gonna find myself a job and start to earn some money before I go overseas babeh!
If you ever start to lose faith, just think about the satisfaction you'll get when you know that all your hardwork will be paid off.
-Seventeen Magazine
10. Stop bitching about others. When I bitch about others, I meant gossiping about people's life. Frankly, every girls like to bitch. This is a fact. Guys solve problems through Violence, but girls... They are much more wiser. Hahaha. They solve problems by mind-fucking. okayy fine. Maybe we are allow to bitch about girls from certain area. *evil grin**

Till then,
Sharmaine <3