Hello everyone, its spring now in AUSSIE! But the weather went a lil crazy this time, its still freezy cold out there although it should be spring now. :( Its like winter still. Boooo. I want spring! Btw, I love staying in 4 seasons places because we(girls) can shop according to the seasons. Another reason for us to shop. HHahahaha. I need to admit this semester is the funnest and most well organized semester. Most of us attended all the classes and enjoyed our time to the fullest at the same time. We crashed into my friend's apartment to cuddle and watch ghost movie together, went to the Royal Adelaide Show, Club(a lot), ,met a lot of new friends etc etc..
By the way, I will put some descriptions under my photo due to some technical problem in arranging my photos according to the correct order.
Michelle, Meee, Eden(new friend, she's so sweet!), BabyEmma |
PArty after Royal Adelaide SHow. Tired yet enjoyable day. |
This photo taken when the stupid strong wave came to us! (it was fun tho) the water was soooo cold, my both feet were numb, couldnt really feel my feet. |
The view was magnificent |
The girls <3 (Emma, Michelle, Yilin, ME) |
Us, again. |
The boys. *shakes head*tsktsktsk |
Drinks! (non-alcohol surprisingly) HA |
ze coupleee. |
Lazy people. |
Wild life park, this is Darren AKA, Ah cha. |
My baby and the kangaroo. Heheee |
Me! Taken by my babyy |
Eden, nice to meet u <3 |
My babyboy. xx |
Alright, that's all for now. More to come, I promise. I am going to a short trip tomorrow. Cant wait!!! :))