I am such a lousy blogger. I don't even deserve to be called a blogger. Ughhhh. Lazy bum. I should update my blog more often but I only think about my blog when I am super bored!! ==
Here's a summary for what I've done during my summer break back in Penang, Malaysia. If u are my follower in Instagram then u might know what I've been up to. My Instagram account is @angsharmaine. So please do follow me if u r still not a follower. No regrets, I promise. Hahaha. :) Let the photo do the talking because if I were to type every single thing i did back in Penang, I might need to type until the day my child is born or somethinggg. Basically I spent most of my time with my family of friends. OKay, I am talking nonsense. Hahhaha. DUH~ Who else can I spend time with.
Let's get started!

Had a few shots, and when we were high, we tend to spill all our secrets. Haha. Thats how way we roll. |
Her caption said it all! Had an unforgettable night. |
Spent a lot of time with this bitch because she was about to leave to Chicago when I went back to Penang |
Even went for movie with my love <3
Okay, do u guys know how difficult is it to find ourselves a movie partner. <3
I am glad I have her. Mostly, its quite awkward to watch movie with only one of ur friend. Surprisingly, we did fine! :) But its time to say GOODBYEEEE! :(( I really hope that I can go back to Penang this July. But I think the chances are quite thin unfortunately. :( And my bitches just being bitches, they actually discussed about going to club at the end of JUNE! Which is during my final exams period! UGhhhhhh! *BIG SIGHHHH*
This is when we sent siumai off! :"( and as expected, we CRIED! Oh myyyyy |
I took this photo when me and Jamie went to her place to help her to pack! <3 PAPARAZZI babeh!
Ohya, I wanted to thank aunty Amee, which is maine's mum for the lovely 湯圓! <3
Full of LOVE <3 Thanks Aunty!
For the past two years, I usually spend my christmas eve and new years eve with Tcmaine. Although she left, but the world never stop spinning, I still need to continue and celebrate every festive seasons! <3 I remember there was one year when I spend my new years eve with two of the most important people in my life, which is Shinyee and Tcmaine. That NYE was quite crazy and memorable though. The joke about toothpaste and toothbrush! Or maybe we were drunk, so anything is funny when we are drunk somehow! Hhahahhahhaha
Okayyy, This year I spend my Christmas eve with my babyboy and Shinyee with her babyboy. That christmas we learnt something, DO NOT LIE! (its an inside joke actually) Muahhahahahah
Decorating the christmas tree is my fav part of christmas! |
The lil tree standing on the table in my room.
Food prepared by my mummy for Christmas Eve. *hail to my mum* Heheee |
A photo of us <3 Its a happy family~ (Its the adam's family)
Okay, Its normal to eat a lot when you are back to ur hometown, especially if u come from Penang! MY goshhhhh! I've been craving for Currymee, Hokkien mee, O-chien and otak-otak so badlyyyyy! I can actually die. I kinda regret I didnt eat 99 when I was back! Sighhh!
I baked a lot when I was back home! I am kinda good at it actually! My future husband is gonna be a lucky man! LOL!! 老王卖瓜, 自卖自夸!
Let's see the cake that I baked!
These look soooo goood right? NO! IT IS GOOD! Not only looks good.
Aren't they PRETYYYY! My gosh! The cutest cupcakes that I've ever baked! <3 U all should get them from the Cold Storage, Gurney Plaza.
My next post is going to be a Family post < 3 The time I spent with my family when I was back in Penang.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Maine xx
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