Sorry everyone for abandoning my blog for a few months. I've been really busy with my studies, tests, assignments, and exams. But most importantly, everynight I've been busy arguing with my boyfriend. I am already very tired and sick of arguing with him. 3 months had passed, many things have changed but I can assured that my love towards him never changed in a bit.
He has changed lot, maybe I do too. But the main thing that cause us changed is DISTANCE. Its not easy to maintain a LDR, especially for both of us. I am a very impatient girl, he is a very short-tempered guy. Both of us, always cause a disaster. We have ego problems. We are both fucking ego. We just cannot let go of our ego-ness.
He has changed. I believe that he still loves me as much as he did, but he has somehow changed. He used to settle argument immediately; but now he can drag the whole thing to few hours later or the next day.. I know this thing will happen also because of the distance between us.There are people who told me 'distance is not what that matters'. I trust them for the first month of having LDR, but after that, it is so not true. distance will somehow affect the relationship. Maybe distance wont make love fade, but it surely has affect the daily life of a couple.
By delaying the time for settling our problem, it makes me feel that he doesnt care about this relationship anymore which makes me very tired which always makes me have the stupid idea of breaking up. Luckily, I have friends that support me all the way because she has gone through a LDR. although she failed to hold on her relationship with her previous LDR partner but I know that everything happens for a reason. If both of us are meant to be with each other then we will eventually get back together.
Recently, I heard a story from my friend. This happened on another friend of mine. He was one of my guy friend and he was quite a good guy, let name him Jake. Jake went to America to pursue is studies, leaving his gf back in their hometown. They were quite loving when they were staying together in their hometown. But, nobody can ever imagine that Jake cheated on her gf when he is away from her. They loved each other, but the whole relationship just couldnt work out.
A couple cannot hold on their relationship even if only one party refuse to continue the journey together. I am not saying that my relationship with my bf is gonna end la.. Hhahhhaa. Just that suddenly the stupid asthma attacked me made me couldnt sleep, so I decided to blog a lil something that I've been thinking recently. Me and him can still hold on the relationship is because we know we love each other and we've been gone thru so many things so we both strongly believe that we can go thru this time, too. I love you baby. <3
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